Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fitting the Pieces Together

As I reflect on my discussion from week one, and what I have learned throughout this course I find that my perspective has not changed, but instead has grown along with my gained knowledge of learning theories and their various applications. I still hold that each learning theory is situational, in that, the method depends on each individual learner and each individual circumstance. What works well for one thing, may not work well for another. That is true for me as well, I cannot say that I have one definitive way in which I learn best because my style changes along with what is being taught and/or learned. However, the two that seem to work the best for me are adult learning and connectivism. Adult learning theory, to me, combines constructivism and cognitivism and I tend to draw on what I have previously learned to construct new knowledge, and also because I consider myself to be critical thinker. Then, I use connectivism more for "non-educational" purposes because I tend to use social networking in order to learn from other peoples' experiences to form my opinions.

In week one's discussion I stated "not everyone will reach a level of constructivism..." and now do not completely agree with that statement. I think that everyone can reach that level, but may not be able to gather all the pertinent pieces of information to construct knowledge to its fullest potential in certain situations. I still hold that learning is somewhat hierarchical, but not completely linear.

Technology plays an important role in all aspects of how I learn, in fact I believe that is should play at least small role in how everyone learns today. Getting my degree in "Instructional Design and Technology" it would hard to imagine not utilizing technology to learn and help others learn. I have recently learned how to create a website, and have hopes that I will use that knowledge in the near future. I am always getting on the computer to search something when I, or those around me, do not know the answer, and encourage my students to do the same. I find it empowering to be able to find an answer and learn something new. In fact, isn't the essence of technology; we can always learn something new and improve upon the past to make the future better.

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