Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 2: Evaluating Resources

Resource 1:

I used the Walden Library Database and searched using Education Research Complete Database. I searched using the keywords "brain and learning" in SU Subject Terms. I then sorted by relevancy and found an article "Key Aspects of How the Brain Learns" about cognitive neuroscience, namely the neocortex, and adult learning. This article not only related to this week's reading assignment, but also has some relevance to last week's reading of learning theory. It is a short read; I recommend you check it out.

Zull, J. (2006). Key aspects of how the brain learns. New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education, (110), 3-9. doi:10.1002/ace.213.


Resource 2:

I used Yahoo for my next search and used the same keywords "brain and learning" to see what kind of results it would generate. As expected, not as good as the library database. I read through a few and the one I chose was on brain-based learning from The Encyclopedia of Instructional Technology. It does not go into detail, but gives a nice, simple overview. I did this statement "In the near future we may be called upon to be professional learning designers rather than instructional designers." I thought it paired well with the discussion topics for this week.

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